Tuesday, March 01, 2005

And then

Had a brief chat with Bird about what comes next. Looks like we have a man really searching for meaning. And searching for meaning is not easy, especially in our age of material abundance and yet the continuous strive for more in our scorecard.

锦瑟 is for Bird who may want to re-think what he has, what he has lost and what he is going to lose. This reminds me of 曾志伟 in 半支烟 and 张国荣 in 东邪西毒. Regardless it is a spectacular achievement for him to make his lady friend P to believe that there are still good people in this world.

The picture of the yellow door was taken at Wat Po in Bangkok. It was a sunny afternoon that I wandered a little bit while waiting, after a relaxing Thai Massage at the temple. It was a long time ago.

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