Sunday, April 17, 2005


Demonstrations against Japan continued to occur in different cities of China.

"反日停不了,上海十万人上街" =>

China has consistently behaved in a weak way in the past on Japan's occasional but persistent act on revamping its prominence in the international political arena. The government and ruling party of China didn't take too strong actions against Japan, probably because of its internal focus on striving economic growth and political stability, at the expense of national pride.

Regardless, I suspect they will be suppressed by the administration at a later time.

I do agree with the intention of the protests to challenge Japan, but this should be separate from any action such as not buying Japnaese brands. This is simply nonsense in this global economy.

In the end, China needs to continue to advance in multiple fronts. The quality of people may still need several generations to catch up the developed world's present standard.

I worked for a client in China in 1998 and I went back again in 2002. In terms of tangible elements, the company has advanced a lot. In fact, the appearance of the employees improved a lot. As a joke, I also told my colleagues that they looked more white collar as they did eat less as i observed in the canteen. And yet the staffs still rushed to the canteen during peak meal hours and you were pushed in crowded moments. They also had some habits that I would criticize as rude and backward. Unfortunately it's about norm rather than exceptions.

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