Saturday, April 23, 2005

Shall we talk?

On Friday, I suggested to P to see if he and his N were interested to have BBQ on Saturday. I haven't done that for a while. I didn't mean to make it too complicated as it's easy to travel by public transport and do BBQ without too much effort. Anyway P was very fond of having a ride. I didn't think it could be classified as "大种行为" but it made things more complicated. Arguably perhaps he wanted to satisfy some needs that only he treasured. Anyway it was decided that N's R would join us and gave us a ride, to wherever we agreed upon.

On Saturday, N ended her work day late after 3pm and 3 of us finally met before 4pm. We ran around to find a bus and eventually someone told us that it's in ExSq. It's an express bus from Central to Ma On Shan. I didn't even know such a route existed and it's pretty fast.

I fell into sleep very quickly after broading the bus. When I got off the bus, I found that P and N were in wall, again. I didn't know who was right but I must say both were wrong. It started with the discussion of IAS33!!!

What is IAS? It stands for International Accounting Standard. There were 347 hits from Google using the argument +"IAS33".

The first hit was a useful one from PwC =>

By the way, it's about Earning Per Share (EPS).

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