Tuesday, May 03, 2005


It turned out to be a shopping trip. I bought more tea that I can consume but I think given my work pattern, I can share with my colleagues.

I saw that there was a mall (三岛) that sells tea, teapots, etc. I had a walk and got some stuffs from two stores:
- 普洱青饼1个(新)
- 普洱熟饼2个(1新1旧)
- 普洱茶砖1个(旧)
- 铁观音半斤(新茶)

(1斤=0.5kg, 1两=50g)

I got some 铁观音 from the supermarket that I used to visit.

Then I thought I should get some green tea. I went to 茶叶世界 and took a look. I had no idea which shop to buy from and I saw an ad along the staircase. I then walked around and went into the store. The lady let me tried different types of green tea. I eventually got:
- 2种碧螺春,各半斤
- 龙井4两
- 毛尖4两
- 沱茶2个(6-7年,新饼)

It costs me 900+ yuan...

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