Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Time to heal (3)

I visited my doctor today in order to get a referral letter. We talked quite a lot about the subject of Sleep Apnoea. He said several times that he had helped several patients before. I said I would still see how long I will need to wait at government hospital first.

The doctor said a typical overnight test costs around 4 to 5K at hospital. It will be cheaper for those who want to do the test at home instead. It may take 1 or 2 tests.

If the solution is to use a breathing aid (don't know the technical term...), there are different models like one with constant pressure or various pressure. In any case, he predicts that one major action is to reduce weight.

I then went to QMH in the afternoon. Apparently it's quite far away from the office. I got an appointment on July 26...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems 'nothing critical' but the effects are.... loss of concentration, loss of memory blah blah blah....
Let's lose some weight.
I hope the new shop will keep me busy and cause some weight loss....