Friday, September 09, 2005


I left office at around 6pm, after a busy week. It's later than expected and P and I switched to Plan B. Plan B was to have drink and dinner with F, our old friend. I truly believed that P did make up some stories intentionally or unintentionally and F had a weird perception about me. Anyway it's good to see F.

P was a strange person and he always complained that it was too crowded at Lan Kwai Fong. He suggested to go to a small bar at SOHO which was less busy. These guys were late and I managed to have my favorite noodle at 九记 first.

It was a decent and small bar. I learned that P's ex-colleague knew the owner. I ordered a LIIT. It's weaker than expected but not bad.

F came 30min later. Later I found that he probably preferred to meet at LKF as he wanted to see more people...

We went to Wanchai for dinner. Our first stop was 越华会 but we were told that we wouldn't get a table until 10pm (it was after 9:30pm). We discussed for a while and eventually went to 满江红. I seldom went there as it's very busy everytime I went there in the past. I tried to avoid it at all... This time it's good that we got a table after waiting for 5 min.

The waitress suggested 水煮鱼 and I didn't order as it's not good enough. She said it's better than 巴蜀风 in SZ and she picked a good comparison. And yet I didn't think 巴蜀风 does the dish right.

We eventually had:
- 蒜泥白肉
- 辣子鸡
- 南瓜苗
- 蛋炒饭(P)、白饭(F)、担担面(myself)

We were in a corner room and it's interesting to see people walking around.

We disbanded at around 11pm. F still wanted to hang around. P needed to go home. P always has the same excuse of meeting someone's requirement but the fact is that he sleeps very early. I had too little sleep in the past 2 days and I needed a good rest. Not sure whether F went home or another place.

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