Friday, September 09, 2005

Very Early

It was after 6am in the morning. I didn't go home last night. I tried to finsih everything for a meeting in the afternoon. It might not be a good idea to work overnight, but definitely I knew that I wouldn't get up early enough to finish all the stuffs. Therefore, it might not be a good choice but I think it's a right one.

In fact, it's very bad. I only had 1 hr of sleep the night before. Here I meant that I only spent 1 hr on my bed. I couldn't count how much time I spent on fishing... Therefore, altogether I spent only on my bed in the past 48 hours.

I took this pic before I started packing.

And I was told to clear my desk and lock my drawers as there would be a security check...

I went out and wanted to have breakfast as I was quite hungry. To my surprise, most shops were closed. Some were open to prepare for business.

I ended up going to have breakfast at 莲香. It was around 7am and it's very busy already.

I then went home for a shower and pressed a clean shirt to change. I reached the office at around 9:30am.

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