10:35 I went to QMH and found lots of people waiting at the shroff!
10:45 I went up to the ENT department to register
The nurse said loudly that the appointment should be in Jan 2006 as shown on the appointment letter. But then I told her that I was asked to come back earlier...!!!
11:20 Someone asked me to measure weight, blood pressure, neck size, waist size... I was then asked to wait...
And I waited, waited and waited...
I fell asleep...
12:15 I woke up and found myself still waiting
13:05+ Finally I was asked to go to see a doctor... The doctor spent less than 5 minutes with me.
The answer was "CERTIFIED"...
He told me that my situation is really serious and I needed to get a breathing machine asap. Reducing weight could help but it takes time... So he gave me a list of suggested equipment and suppliers.
The next appointment will be in Feb 2006... The purpose is to see how I am doing with the new macine.
I took the following pic when I left:

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