Monday, February 20, 2006

Let Go

1/ I haven't used my WeWa MP3 player for a while and this morning I found it lost when I tried to use it. I couldn't recall when I used it last time but it might be a while ago. It was a free gift from a visa card and I wasn't too "sad" to lose it. Instead I felt upset with losing the rechargeable battery!

2/ With some conscious effort to look at why I felt so (as the battery should worth much less than the player even though it's an old model), I think I know the reason. I got the batteries in a pack of 4 for HK$78. Even though it costs only under HK$20-, the set isn't complete with a lost member. This might also cause inconvenience if another toy uses a pair. I kept on reminding myself to learn to let go, but apparently I still need to practise practise practise.

3/ Having said that, it was quite an interesting experience that I recorded some very old songs for my father while he was admitted to hospital briefly 2 months ago. He started to lose memory like forgetting names and vocabulary. He was quite happy to hear 小李飞刀, 上海滩, 射雕英雄传, etc. even thought he couldn't recall the names.

4/ On the same topic, I like the movie 半支烟, where Tsang (曾志伟) went back to HK to look for his lover. However, he has been losing memory. At that point, he could only recall that he loved someone deeply before but he couldn't even recall her face.

5/ Ashes of Time (东邪西毒, my favorite movie as most friends know) said if you can't keep from losing something, what at best you can do is to keep yourself from forgetting. It will be quite sad if you can't even remember what you want to remember.

6/ On second thought, as Pompom once talked about it over an after-lunch chat at our client's place, 子非鱼焉知鱼非乐. Of course, we can always argue the other way. It might not be a bad idea to start with a blank memory every day...

7/ Here is a brainstorming session. What to let go?
. lost/expired love
. failure
. achievement
. status
. bad/undesirable habbit
. worry
. 13/f
. ..

1 comment:

pompom said...

interesting that you mentioned your wewa... i noticed it's in the left hand outside netted pocket of your backpac... was it the nite to 'tak kee'? i'm not sure, but i was thinking that wow, you are still keeping it... so ?情... mine is already don't-know-where...