Sunday, February 05, 2006

Macau (3) - a brief account

Macau was much busier than I expected. Perhaps I had the wrong expectation in the first place. There were lots of tourists from the mainland, I supposed. The sky was greyish and it wasn't like the first 3 days of lunar new year. It could be much better if it's sunny with blue sky. Of course, we couldn't and shouldn't complain too much. We never know what will happen in the future for sure but the next next next generations might not even have a chance to see a clear day, which can possibly be seen in postcards (or in other electronic forms via some electronic channels that we cannot ever predict at this point).

Let's talk about food first. It was a disastrous day as I ate a lot of oily food but as an adult, I am supposed to be responsible for my desires and acts, and/or the lack of them... :)

I walked a lot the whole day. I wasn't hungry when I dropped by the street of "oct 5th" (十月初五街). There was a packed restaurant which looked interesting and so I went in, with some hestitation as I was afraid I would eat too much. I ordered a cup of tea and it's the first time that I added sugar (tiny, around 1/4 teaspoon) since mid-October. There were many items in the menu but basically those are just different combinations of same things.

Finally I ordered a "salty" set (咸餐, versus a "sweet" one, 甜餐), which got a piece of bread with very very very oily fried egg and 2 small pieces of ham, together with a big dish of beef macaroni. The meal ended with a piece of "cut cake". The lunch was a big one and the taste so so. But I like this kind of old restaurant (which many of my friends don't like), somehow.

The 2nd "disaster" occurred at around 2pm. I dropped by a restaurant that a gang brought me there in 2004 (4th Sept., to be exact). It was busy as used to be. Tables were just filled with left food, used cups, etc. It took a while to get attention and clean up. After a serious thought process, I ordered a black coffee and a delicious bun, which again was very oily.

Over the day, I also saw others that I wanted to try but I wasn't hungry enough.

The day ended with wandering in fisherman's pier. The complex has attractions (according to signs) like roman amphitheatre, aladdin's fort, convention & exhibition centre, tang dynasty, da gama water world & portugal.

Most shops haven't been opened yet. The people seemed happy as they were busy taking pics in a large piece of land with colorful constructs by the sea. It's a big contrast against the infamous joke in hk disney.

My final final stop was a visit to a casino. I am not a big gambler (too "timid", I must say) but I like watching people, especially how they react to the ups and downs. In the table I dropped, there were 4 consecutive "small" and people putting lots of money on "big". Most people won and were happy in that particular round (although many lost in previous). It's also interesting to see 3 consecutive rounds of 12 points!

It's not the end of story yet. I saw a HK card ID card under the seat in front of me. I passed to a staff but apparently it didn't belong to people on the jetfoil. It's a card of a child (born 2002) and might be left by a previous passenger. Relatively speaking, it's better for the family in HK than in Macau when they discovered the loss.

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