Sunday, May 07, 2006

Discovery Channel - Home & Health

The movie on NOW39 isn't interesting. I was doing channel hopping and stopped at the discovery channel. It was talking about weight management, etc. Quite interesting. May not be new news but it's good to recap old views and know some new ones.

  • People don't understand that even a small reduction in weight can get a lot of benefits.
  • We can only reduce body fat by 1% of body weight per week. Any excess is accounted by losing weight in muscle & bone which is not desirable.
  • We should not mix up reducing weight and maintain weight. Most people can lose weight very easily, say, by drinking cabbage soup for a few days but it's not sustainable.
  • We should not mix up reducing weight vs. living healthily.
  • Doing exercise, regardless of achieving weight loss ornot, is better than not doing exercise at all.
  • Need patience. We can't change the problem we developed in the past 10x years over weeks.
  • Pure dietary program doesn't sustain. Exercise is the key.
  • Fat on the "surface" can make you look bad. But fat "inside the body" can be fatal.
  • Latest view is that fat can be considered as another organ. Instead of being "useless", it affects how our body works.
  • Where fat sits does matter. Fat developed at belly is dangerous as it connects to liver (or some other internal organs?).
  • ... much more info not jotted ...

The program claims that America (overweigt) is now under 911 situation... :)

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