Tuesday, August 01, 2006

10 years ago

Some e-mails dated August 1996

Aug 2, from ES (yes, the ES)

Have I showed this to you before?
How much of it do you do each day?

Proper weight control and physical fitness cannot be attained by dieting alone.
Many people who are engaged in sedentary occupations do not realize
that calories can be burned by the hundreds by engaging in strenuous
activities that do not require physical exercise.
Here's the guide to calorie-burning activities and calories/hour they consume.
Beat around the bush. . . . . 75 Balance the books. . . . . . . 25
Jump to conclusions . . . . . 100 Run around in circles. . . . 350
Climb the walls . . . . . . . 150 Eat crow. . . . . . . . . . . 225
Swallow your pride. . . . . . 50 Toot your own horn. . . . . . 25
Pass the buck . . . . . . . . 25 Climb the ladder of success . 750
Drag your heels. . . . . . . 100 Pull out the stops. . . . . . 75
Push your luck. . . . . . . . 250 Add fuel to the fire. . . . . 160
Make mountains out of molehills 500 Wrap it up at the day's end. 12
Hit the nail on the head . . 50 Open a can of worms . . . . . 50
Wade through paperwork . . . . 300 Put your foot in your mouth.. 300
Bend over backwards . . . . . 75 Start the ball rolling. . . . 90
Jump on the bandwagon . . . . 200 Go over the edge. . . . . . . 25
Pick up the pieces after. . . 350
Throw your weight around (depending on your weight). . . .50-300

Aug 2, from WY

All my dear colleagues,

Today is my last working day with IBM. Thanks for all your help and
support during the past 13 months. Let's keep in touch. Here're my

Aug 17, from my Buddy that I haven't talked to for a long while

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today is my last working day in IBM. In the past eight years,
by working with you all, I learnt skills of various dimensions.

In the coming year, I shall continue my master degree in interactive
multimedia in London. The experience in IBM gives me competitive
edge in the pursuit of knowledge in this up coming area.

I shall keep in touch with you once my email address is available.
Thanks and take care.

Aug 23, from a Client Rep that I used to work with briefly

It's been a pleasure for me to work with you in this big family,
I appreciated all the help and support, and enjoy all the fun
and hard time with you.
Today is my last working day here, I wish take this opportunity
to say thank you. Wish you all the best, you can reach me at
XXXXXXXX, let's keep in touch.

Aug 30, from a PM

Hi, folks. Today is my last work day at IBM HK.
Would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you for your
support and encouragement during my days at IBM.
I treature the days ( and nights sometimes ) with you when we work
together, sharing the laughters and pains.

Hope we can meet somewhere, sometime for something.
Wish you all best of luck. You neet it; I need it.

I can be reached at

Aug 30, from another PM

To all friends in IBM,
Today is my last day of work at IBM. I would like to thank you for
your support during the past 2 years.

Good luck to all of you. I can be reached at

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