Sunday, May 06, 2007

Big Breakfast

It's an "early" start. I went to bed at 3am+ and JRPY called me at 9:30am+ which was a bit early. As ususal, I complained to such early calls.

We have a big tea rice (da cha fan) to discuss. He suggested to meet in Union Bar for brunch and I counterproposed Flying Pan in Wanchai that I've never tried before. We met at 10:30am+ and it's more crowded than I expected. It's interesting to see the big dishes they serve, including the Flying one of 3 eggs plus others. I ordered an English one (British Fly Up?) instead. Strictly speaking there isn't anything "special" except 24-hr breakfast but I think I will visit again, not at breakfast time though. I am quite interested in breakfast plates, taken at non-breakfast time.

It was 1998 (yes, old biscuit) that we worked in Shekou. There was a restaurant in the bar street (close to ferry terminal) that served breakfast at lunch time. It was pretty good. I occasionally went there with my then and present boss. Their toast was particulary good. We suspected it was done with a pan rather than a toaster. It wasn't much fun working, living and eating in that area, for 6 months...

We had a brief chat on the da cha fan. I wasn't too enthusiastic and I couldn't help our common friend. Having said that, wish JRPY could find other means to support the seach-for-big-bucks initiative.


Someone else:

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