Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Once upon a time in Beijing - Early Report

it's now 12:01am, just stepping into tue, on which the real event will

time flies

a month ago, on sept 23, i was leaving venezia for milano

2 months ago, on aug 23, mo "brought" me lunch hosted by an analyst

3 months ago, on jul 23, i joined a class on six thinking hats

debono isn't new to me and indeed he and his ideas were much exchanged
among my peers dated 15+ years ago... (sorry... old biscuit again...)

well... snapshots like these can go on and on (a finite one though,

so let me stop here...

back to saturday nite

mr. lo invited me for his grand thai dinner at his nest but i sort of
knew very late

so i didn't join, even though technically speaking, on hindsight, i
could have made it

i chose not to have a "formal" dinner and just took some salami i bought
from italy together with aussie wine

the night was a long one and in fact, i didn't sleep (well... i did fish)

the taxi picked me up at 6:15am on sunday

i suspect the light meal made me hungry in the morning

i ended up having a made one at cafe dc... sticky rice + congee... a
very big meal

and then half the b/f on the plane

and it was 2pm+ when i was hungry again

i managed to have a small meal this time

i used to order at least 3 dishes even i didnt need such

this time i had a green pepper + pork (小炒肉, my favorite hunan dish)
and a duck soup with veg

these days, in bj, drinks, especially tea, could be very expensive

i chose not to drink anything at all, not sure if it's a boycott

together with a bowl of rice the lunch costed me 33 yuan

probably because of the lack of sleep, i was very tired

i planned to go out but didn't

instead i just lied on the bed at it's around 6pm+ when i left hotel

my first stop was wangfujing and i went to the food steet rightaway

i wasnt too interested (nor hungry) about tasting them but indeed i
liked watching the people, those selling, those buying and the
passerby... i spent almost 90 min there... taking some shots... but
spending most time just on watching people

and i wandered and walked and walked and walked towards houhai

i tried something new this time but probably wont try again (too oily...)

it's a cheap one... 33 yuan (1 bowl of meat stuffs... cold dish of
cucumber, and beer...)

at around 10pm i arrived at houhai

i planned to take a brief stop and went back to hotel

it was quite unpleasant

there were some people probing for disco, bars, girls, etc.

usually i just ignore them and i did

but these a few were very persistent... as if i owed them an answer

they kept on following me... talking and talking and talking... tried
different languages... and i just ignored them

one of them (a lady) started talking loud and asked me to say yes or no

i asked the lady to go away and went to a public toilet

as expected, she was there when i went out... :D

well... i didnt know what i said (if any) and i just walked straight
away... and she didnt follow this time

they serve quite good purpose of demotivator and i ended my stay early

having said that, some singers in some bars sang quite well

perhaps will try again next time... perhaps i should take it easy next

today (monday) was bau, except that i worked in the hotel and met a
colleague at the office very far away (in which i would spend my
upcoming 3 days)

food wise...

cup noodle for b/f

beef noodle for lunch (a cheap cheap one) and later on with some dimsum

dinner was a huge one

i did some search on the net and eventually narrowed down to hotpot

i suspect i used up my meat quota (if there's one) for the whole week

i went to ding ding xiang closest to my hotel

and ordered

清汤底 (@6 yuan)
豆腐 (a dish of 3 types @15 yuan)
羊肉 (a dish of 4 types, lots of meat @75 yuan)
羊肉串(2 types @6 & 8 yuan)
金牌酱 (@6 yuan)

a big dinner at 116 yuan wasn't too bad (note that i didnt order any drink)

but there were loads of meat... very much... too much... indeed

i finished them all though... :D

i only decided leaving half of the doufu at the end of the game...

i walked around the area after the full meal

and found hotel nikko

and found carrefour and bought some beer, coke light and biscuit for b/f

after going back to the hotel, i went to the gym to take a look... it's
quite good

it's action time... and i did a 30-min walking exercise

i havent done exercise for a very very very long time

i think i should use the gym more...

well.... it's 12:35am

should wrap up and go to bed


1 comment:

mokee said...

where are you staying?