Thursday, December 13, 2007

10 Holiday Gifts That Could Ruin a Romance

The 10 items are interesting by themselves...
but still not as much as the responses from readers...

10 Holiday Gifts That Could Ruin a Romance
By Yahoo! Personals
Updated: Dec 12, 2007
We asked Yahoo! Personals users what they should avoid giving to girlfriends or boyfriends. Here's what they told us.

Gift to avoid #1: Unless you are planning on proposing, avoid gifting jewelry, especially a ring, as that perceived level of commitment may intimidate your sweetheart.

Gift to avoid #2: While a ring may be considered overboard, anything impersonal, such as a kitchen appliance or gift card can be construed as thoughtless or insincere.

Gift to avoid #3: Avoid gifting lingerie for your first holidays together. It may be considered too intimate and send the wrong message.

Gift to avoid #4: Gifting something selfish, such as sporting event tickets when you know your significant other isn't a sports fan, can relay that you may be more focused on your own interests than that of the person you are getting the gift for.

Lump-of-coal award winner: The boyfriend who bought his girlfriend a Wii. Turns out that she wasn't a gamer, he just needed a place to put the Wii because he already had an Xbox and Playstation 3 at his house.

Gift to avoid #5:

Work-related items that promote efficiency at the office should generally be avoided. Why bring up "work" during the holidays, which is a time for relaxation.

Gift to avoid #6: Clothing may be offensive, especially if you aren't sure about what size to purchase.

Gift to avoid #7: Animals as presents are generally bad ideas unless you know the person very well. Pets are huge commitments and way too serious for a "first holiday" together.

Lump-of-coal award winner: The boyfriend who gave his girlfriend a rabbit that died the next day.

Lump of irony award winner: The boyfriend who gave his girlfriend a puppy. The puppy required so much time and attention that the girl didn't have any time left over for the boyfriend.

Gift to avoid #8: Re-gifting is never a good idea, especially if it's a gift from a past relationship.

Gift to avoid #9: Forget cliches, such as boxes of chocolates or flowers. They show little thought or effort.

Gift to avoid #10: Avoid gifts that may suggest that your significant other needs to change something about himself/herself, such as exercise clothes or gym equipment, which may say that he/she doesn't look good enough as he/she is.

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