Friday, December 07, 2007

[HBSP] Why Facebook Beacon Will Not Stick with Users

Why Facebook Beacon Will Not Stick with Users

Misiek Piskorski is an assistant professor at Harvard Business School focusing on strategies in emerging social industries.

This week, Facebook suffered its second product roll-out gaffe of the year, when user outcry over its new Beacon advertising feature reached such a level that CEO Mark Zuckerberg was forced to issue a public apology for the way the company handled the launch. Last year, the company suffered a similar humiliation when its NewsFeed product earned the ire of users.

Facebook apparently hasn’t yet learned that online social networks are successful only when they provide features that simultaneously pass two tests:

• First, features cannot disclose any information that people would never disclose offline. If a feature fails to pass this test, users will leave the site or engage in vehement protest.

• Second, features need to help people broadcast information that friends or other recipients will find helpful. If a feature passes this test, users are guaranteed to take it up in droves. Otherwise, people will opt out or ignore the feature.



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