Friday, February 15, 2008


After finishing drink with JRPY & JRPY2, I went to IFC and tried my luck to get a seat at sen-ryo (千兩).  I haven't been there since their renovation.  
There were lots of people and the guy as usual asked the number of seats I needed.  I said One.  Typically it didn't take too long to get my seat in the past.  
Politely he gave me a tag.  He added that it might take a long time as the customers came in even number.  What a great reminder... :)  
I was wondering if I should go to Nine Kee for beef noodle but I wasn't sure if they are back from CNY holiday yet.  So I just went back home and my own.  It's easy and simple.  
On Feb 6 (just before CNY), I bought lots of food for the long weekend.  On Feb 11 (Monday), I had dinner at Cafe DC and ordered a fried rice, which was too much for one.  I just finished half and took away the rest.  So it had been in my fridge since then.  
Now it's the right time.  Veg was still good.  Rice was still very good.  And I finished all... :)  
So how did you spend your valentine's?  
JRPY with 1st lady at home.  JRPY2 with 1st lady & kid at home.  Tiger with 1st lady in VN.  And...?   
2007 =>  
2006 => mo 和 女中豪杰 在北京  
2005 =>   

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