Sunday, June 29, 2008

The longest days

Dear Mo,

Good catch... This is the revised edition. Can't claim it's error free though.

Ashes @ BJ
200.06.29 1:36am
(just [i] came back from Taishan/Shandong after a 8-hr bus trip, [ii] had bday celebration with some extended family members, [iii] had late snack at the jackpot cafe, [iv] came back to hotel now, well... isn't it an inn?)


A brief history of time:

6/24 Wed

Worked late in the office.

Around 9pm, some colleagues incl. KY asked people to go home as typhoon signal #8 would be hoisted by 11pm.

Shared taxi with a colleague. And on the way in the taxi, I spotted KY driving (overtaken by my taxi)... Small world...



Didn't sleep...

6/25 Thu

The sec arranged a meeting a 8:30am. She was clever enough to arrange a teleconf in case people wouldn't come to office.

And I joined. Boss was there, together with 2 techies. Quite disappointed that the 2 big sales didn't join. And couldn't reach them by mobile.

Well, the meeting wasn't too exciting, as we got an excited customer without a "ready" solution.

And after this had review meeting with Boss. Again, 3Q x 1000 times...

Waiting call from MM at 10:30am as we were supposed to talk about an event on 6/26. Didn't see any call.

Went out for b/f as I was hungry, particularly after the long nite.

Most shops were closed except a few. I picked a dim sum place and had "sticky chicken rice" and beef meat balls... Quite full.

Found that I should had a hair cut and so went down at 1pm.

Quite embarrassing...

I kept on fishing and had very BIG SWINGS while haircutting in progress... What a shame... to me... But then the guy managed to catch my rhythm...

Left home at 3pm+

Very strong wind & rain.

Dropped my big bag at Airport Express.

Was hungry.

After serious thinking, I went to the sushi place in IFC2. Again, it's quite good. Nobody there (well... just a few)... I ordered 6 dishes.

I left at 4:30pm and the flight leaving at 6:05pm. I thought I would be late...

And then... I rushed down and to airport. Got an sms that the flight would be delayed by 40 min.

So it's good.

And went to the gate. It's changed.

Went to the new gate. Not too many people. And got another SMS that it would be delayed.

I went on board at around 7:45pm and the flight would leave at 8:15pm. It's almost 2 hrs of delay.

And yet, it isn't too bad given the bad weather conditions and chaotic flight cancellations and delays in the airport.

Not sure when it was. Should be around 9pm+. The pilot said the weather condition was bad in BJ and we were not allowed to go into the BJ air zone. Our plane needed to hang around in Chang Sha region.

And... at around 11pm, we were told that we would land at Shanghai Pudong to re-fill the gas, change an assistant pilot and wait for signal from BJ. I sent SMS to several friends hoping that I could reach BJ hotel at 3pm.

6/26 Thu

After 12am, the pilot told us that the weather condition turned bad again in BJ. Ours was the 12th plane waiting at pudong airport to go to BJ...

Finally we left at 2:30am.

Landed BJ at around 4:30pm.

Cooler than I expected.

My first trip via T3. Very big.

Spent 20 min to wait for a connecting train, which was supposed to be 3 min.

And got my luggage and went down for taxi.

Very very very long queue. Should be 100-150 people lining up.

Not sure if it's the lack of taxi or what. This usually shouldnt be the case.

I took at taxi at around 5:30am and went to the hotel at 6am after much effort by the taxi driver.

Was supposed to sleep but I didn't.

Went out for a breakfast. Got a soya milk, tea egg and buns at 5.3 yuan. Prior to that I got 2 peaches at 7 yuan!!! I asked the guy if he could offer lower price but he just said he just earned 1 out of the 7. I dont believe though. So I just paid 7.

My internet connection didnt work properly when I first moved in. After breakfast I called the front desk and they sent a guy to help me. But then I found it is working now. The guy came and I opened the door and saw him holding 2 screwdrivers. I am not sure how he could help if I couldnt use the broadband in the room.

My condition wasn't too bad.

I was told that another gang of 10 people from my extended family took the last flight to BJ (7pm+, 6/25).

They waited in the plane, which was eventually cancelled at 1am+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They would take an early flight today (6/26) to come to BJ.

And I just checked and still found some cancellations and delays of flight to BJ.

End of report
6/26 9:26am

(i am supposed to checkout at 11am, and take a coach to airport to pick up the gang for shan dong)

1 comment:

mokee said...

hey there... u must be very tired.
confused (by) the am/pm time in the 6/26 report.