Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daily Lift - A Slice of Online History => The world in 2001 (and our world in 2001)

from CFO Executive Board


Daily Lift - A Slice of Online History
Google, For the Month of October

To celebrate its 10th birthday Google has reposted its oldest available search index from January 2001.  During October, users can enter terms to search the entire web as it existed back then (a comparatively tiny 1,326,920,000 web pages), Google has cached all websites as they were back then too.  Entering 'ipod' brings up a page on the "Image Proof of Deposit Document Processing System" as the first hit, Wikipedia looks very different indeed, and entering "You Tube" doesn't get you very far at all.


Have a try =>

Thoughts => Year of 2001 seems not too far away!!!  

I still recalled the days of being wild... that we (myself/al/st/tc & later bc) ate a lot in Tokyo when taking the ebiz training... smile...

And outing in Lantau Island, etc.

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