Friday, November 07, 2008

HKU to award Honorary Degrees to Former US President Bill Clinton, Dr David Ho and Mr Yao Ming

Message from The Vice-Chancellor


Dear Colleagues, Students and Alumni,

I am delighted to inform you that the University will be conferring honorary degrees upon three outstanding individuals in recognition of their shared commitment to humanitarian causes and global leadership in HIV/AIDS research and advocacy.

The honorary degree recipients are:

The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton (克林頓), Former President of the United States of America: Doctor of Laws honoris causa

Dr David D Ho (何大一): Doctor of Science honoris causa

Mr Yao Ming (姚明): Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa.

The University will confer honorary degrees upon Dr Clinton and Dr Ho at the 179th Congregation on December 4, 2008 at 3:30pm at Loke Yew Hall, HKU. Mr Yao will receive his honorary degree at a Congregation to be held in 2009.

A press release with highlights of the achievements of the three honorary recipients, as well as photos, can be found at  The External Relations Office will announce further details of the Congregation in due course.

Lap-Chee Tsui

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