Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fwd: CNN Breaking News

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From: "CNN Breaking News"
Date: 18 April, 2013 6:11:20
Subject: CNN Breaking News

President Barack Obama on Wednesday blamed the defeat of a compromise deal on stricter gun laws on "the gun lobby and its allies," saying those against the legislation "willfully lied" about its provisions.

Obama spoke angrily about two proposals defeated Wednesday in the Senate. One would expand background checks on firearms sales, and the other would ban some semi-automatic firearms modeled after military assault weapons.

Due to procedural steps by Republican opponents, the amendments required 60 votes to pass in the 100-member chamber, meaning Democrats and their independent allies who hold 55 seats needed support from some GOP senators to push them through.

The final vote on the background checks provision was 54 in favor to 46 opposed with four Republicans joining most Democrats in supporting the compromise while four Democrats voted with most Republicans against it.

Follow complete coverage of this breaking news on CNN TV and CNN Mobile.


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