Monday, October 14, 2024

ASTRI Announces Departure of its CEO Dr Denis Yip

04 / 10 / 2024 
[4 October 2024, Hong Kong] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) announced today that its Chief Executive Officer, Dr Denis Yip, has completed his three-year tenure and decided not to continue in the role.
ASTRI Chairman, Ir Sunny Lee, acknowledged Dr Yip's contributions and extended his best wishes to him in his future endeavors. Ir Lee said: "Denis fully accomplished his key goals to "let ASTRI be known" at home and abroad, and to make a meaningful impact in commercialisation. Under his leadership, ASTRI has successfully established four ecosystems connecting the entire I&T chain and launched a significant number of university technology transfer projects, enhancing the wider adoption of R&D outcomes."
Let ASTRI be Known and Boost Tech Transfer
"During Dr Yip's term, ASTRI's workforce grew from 450 to nearly 800. Together with the launch of the 'ASTRI Work-Study Programme (PhD)' in collaboration with four local universities, we greatly expanded Hong Kong's I&T talent pool," he added.
"Dr Yip's term also saw a remarkable expansion in ASTRI's business with a significant growth in technology commercialisation through substantially higher level of industry collaboration and income generated from the industry," Ir Lee continued. "In Mainland China, we launched multiple projects in Beijing, Suzhou and Shenzhen; overseas, we started collaborating with several countries and cities, laying a more solid foundation for Hong Kong's I&T development."
While the global search for a new CEO is underway, ASTRI's Chief Technology Officer, Dr Ying Huang, Chief Operating Officer, Ir Chris Chong and Chief Financial Officer, Ms Cammy Yung will jointly assume leadership responsibilities during the interim period.

04 / 10 / 2024 
[2024年10月4日•香港] 香港應用科技研究院(應科院)今天宣佈,行政總裁葉成輝博士完成三年任期,並決定不再續任。
增應科院知名度 促科技轉移

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