Tuesday, April 11, 2006




以下文字介绍来自 Broadway 的网站。



高田 (高仓健饰) 接到儿子健一患病的消息, 从所居住的渔村赶往东京探望。但多年来的父子隔阂使儿子拒绝见他。但高田仍然决定帮助儿子去完成他的心愿。
高田独自来到中国云南, 在帮助儿子完成心愿的过程中, 他遇到了很多意想不到的困难, 也结识了很多纯朴善良的中国人。短暂的中国之行充满了意外的经历和从未有过的生活体验, 这一切都使高田对儿子健一的内心世界有了很深的理解, 产生了强烈的父子共鸣。他完成了与儿子在精神世界上的彼此沟通, 也同时获得了对亲情与人生更多新的感悟。

导演 : 张艺谋
演员 : 高仓健, 寺岛忍, 中井贵一
片长 : 109 分钟
级数 : I
语言 : 国语, 日语 (中英文字幕)

Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles


For the first time in many years, TAKATA Gou-ichi (TAKAKURA Ken) takes the bullet train to Tokyo from the quiet fisherman’s village where he lives on the northwest coast of Japan. His daughter-in-law, Rie (TERAJIMA Shinobu) had telephoned to tell him that his son, Ken-ichi (NAKAI Kiichi) is seriously ill, and asking for his father.
But when he arrives in the city, Takata finds that Rie was not entirely truthful: Ken-ichi has been hospitalized, but after years of painful estrangement, he still refuses to see Takata. Crushed, the old man quietly slips out of the hospital, but not before Rie gives him a videotape to watch. What Takata sees on the tape, Rie hopes, will help him get to know his son again.

Director : ZHANG Yimou
Cast : TAKAKURA Ken, TERAJIMA Shinobu, NAKAI Kiichi
Duration : 109 mins
Category : I
Language : Mandarin & Janpanese (English & Chinese Subtitles)

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