Sunday, April 15, 2007


节目:杭州菜、茶叶、晚饭(very bad)、梳乎里 + 午夜狂奔


Class @台北

E-mail from my reporting manager (PDM) re salary adjustment (non-zero, a +ve one, to be exact):

"The amount is little, but it really shows management's appreciation on your contribution."

Business was tough (well... the HW team was an exception). I did appreciate his attempt, very much, indeed.

Not sure how he is doing now, as he has cut all his connections with XXXers (as far as I know) after disappearing last year.

How are you, my friend?


Prayer letter from younger sister, then in U.S.

'We are all looking for love. We want to show our love and we want to be loved. Is this what life is all about? Is this what Christianity is about? Believing in Jesus is not only an issue about religion. It is a matter of life and death. Jesus is the only One who can bring us real life.'

I thank God for giving me life. I celebrated my birthday with my friends last month. Let me tell you what I did on that day. Life can be very simple but beautiful! There is enjoyment, excitement, frustration and disappointment in a day. When we slow down ourselves and look deeper, we can discover a lot from ordinary things and ordinary people in life.


Be honest, it is not easy to write a prayer letter. I hope that my non-Christian friends do not mind me mentioning too much about Jesus because this is what I think, what I believe and what I study. Do let me know if I make you feel uncomfortable. For my Christian friends, please give me feedback about my prayer letter. Sometimes I think I am talking to the air and I do not know if you are listening. I know that I cannot walk forward without your support and your prayer. God wants us to work in teams. I trust God will use you to speak to me. Let me know if there is any word from God to me in your prayer.

I like listening to stories. Tell me your stories when you have time. No matter how long I know you, I think there is still a lot to talk about in life!

周六开工(for then PSG)

Goodbye e-mail from an ex-XXXer that I never met again.

Hi, <secretary>, please help distribute this msg to all in SI/AD, thanks.

Hi, folks. As you know, I'm leaving for the US and today is my last
day with XXX. I like to say goodbye to you all. It has always been
a great pleasure working with you and I wish you all the best in future.
For those of you who really miss me, I'm still going to be around
until end of this month and will certainly see some of you on the 25th
and 26th. Unfortunately, I do not have a permanent address in the US yet
but I'll let you know once I've settled there and have an email
address. If you ever come to San Francisco, you're most welcome
to drop by my place. Good luck and all the best.

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