Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Steve McCurry

I am reading forums re portrait lenses and one asked a question on 85mm f/1.8D (http://www.nikonians.org/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=read_count&om=24183&forum=DCForumID6) and someone posted the following response.


I have the 1.4 version but plan on purchasing the 1.8D version because it significantly smaller and lighter for travel photography.

By the way, Nikon USA www.nikonnet.com/dyn/articles/article_detail/76.html reports that Steve McCurry, the one who shot that famous Afgan Girl portrait, carries the 85mm f1.8D in his bag.


About what's in the bag:

In the Bag

As you can see from his photographs, Steve McCurry likes to work up-close and in low light, and that calls for short, fast lenses on his two F100 and two N90s bodies-generally a 28mm f/1.4D or 35mm f/2D AF Nikkor. He also carries an 85mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor and a 105mm f/2.8 AF Micro-Nikkor. He packs an SB-24 Speedlight for those times when fill-flash is necessary, and almost always uses a sturdy tripod.

His non-photographic, but absolutely essential gear includes a Swiss Army knife ("because you never know when a corkscrew might come in handy") and the all-purpose, all-in-one Leatherman Tool ("more than once my driver has used it to fix the engine").

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