Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Got a question on how to add a video clip from youtube to blogspot. Here is how it works.

(1) Identify your video clip. Let's use 一個人兩個人 as an example. The URL of the clip in youtube is http://youtube.com/watch?v=btzxprdx5tc

(2) Go to the clip in youtube. The following screen capture is what you see. On the RHS, you can find the code to embed. Just highlight it and do a Ctrl-C. This is the code you need to include in a blog (well... this can be done other than blogspot). 一理通...

(3) I typically paste the wordy code in a notepad, just to avoid losing it. Of course, this is not a real issue as you can always go back and copy from youtube again.

(4) Go to blogger.com and create a new post. Choose "Edit Html" (instead of "Compose" mode) and just paste the code there. Here is a sample screen shot:

(5) Go back to "Compose" mode if you are not familiar with the "Edit Html" mode. Edit whateve needed and PUBLISH POST.

Your youtube clip will look something like this one:

That's all... Have a try...

P.S. Adding youtube clip to Facebook is easier.

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