Friday, March 28, 2008

The Economist

I am writing this while I am waiting for Tiger for lunch. It's 12:15am
when I polled him and he asked for 15 min. Let's see when he will show up.

Since then, I went back and cleaned my inbox and come across the weekly
newsletter from The Economist.

I miss the newspaper.

I started the subscription in 1993-1994 for academic reason. My
lecturer of International Political Economy recommended 2 to us: The
Economist and The Far East Economic Journal. I picked the former
because (a) it's more international, and (b) it's less American.

I have been a regular subscriber and reader since then, and I dropped
the subscription around 2 years ago for (1) it's quite heavy in content
and I didn't have time, and (2) I came across better offer for new
subscription. I was very upset about #2 given that I had been a long
time subscriber. I decided not to renew. And at one time, one of the
staff in Asia office did call me, reminded me of the expiry and asked me
for reason of non-renewal. I gave my reason #2 and he said there's
nothing he could do. But indeed, I didn't need him to do anything.

I am still on his weekly newsletter. I will click and read those get my
attention. Not a lot, nor too frequent though.

And this time I saw the article on Heathrow Airport =>

I don't know the airport enough but I must say that I enjoy reading it
in terms of writing style, facts, logic etc. I am not sure if one will
agree with everything (and there's no need) but it's a real pleasure,
particularly when you are hungry and have no other urgent/important
enough matters to attend... :) Or in a more exaggerated way, 15 minutes
of solitude... :P

It's not the end of this post because (i) I haven't finished, and (ii)
Tiger hasn't showed up yet... smile...

Out of curiosity, I clicked and tried to find out comments (5) on the
articles =>

Well... they are very different from the comments we typically see in
forums, newsgroups, blogs, etc. I am not sure if they have been
filtered and edited (I believe not, as I think I can add one). The
quality of the comments is very high, in terms of writing, and points of


It's now 12:44pm and Tiger hasn't showed up yet. Will give him 10 more

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